1 | Acta Crystallographica |
2 | Acta Neurologica Scandinavica |
3 | Advanced Materials |
4 | African Journal of Ecology |
5 | Aggressive Behavior |
6 | AIChE Journal |
7 | American Journal of Physical Anthropology |
8 | American Journal of Primatology |
9 | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
10 | Annalen der Physik (formerly Annalen der Physik und der physikalischen |
11 | Annals of Human Genetics |
12 | Annals of Neurology |
13 | Austral Ecology |
14 | Biological Reviews |
15 | Biopolymers |
16 | British Journal of Educational Technology |
17 | Chemical Ebgineering & Technology-CET |
18 | Chemie, Annalen der Physik und Chemie |
19 | Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering |
20 | Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics |
21 | Developmental Genetics (formerly Genesis) |
22 | Developmental Neurobiology (formerly Journal of Neurobiology) |
23 | Ecological Entomology |
24 | Ecology |
25 | Epilepsia |
26 | Ethology |
27 | European Journal of Neuroscience |
28 | Freshwater Biology |
29 | Geological Journal |
30 | Geophysical Research Letters |
31 | Glia |
32 | Helvetica Chimica Acta |
33 | Hippocampus |
34 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering |
35 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids |
36 | International Zoo Yearbook |
37 | Journal of Applied Crystallography |
38 | Journal of Applied Entomology |
39 | Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
40 | Journal of Cellular Physiology (formerly Journal of Cellular and Comparative |
41 | Journal of Experimental Zoology |
42 | Journal of Fish Biology |
43 | Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry |
44 | Journal of Microscopy |
45 | Journal of Neuroscience Research |
46 | Journal of Polymer Science |
47 | Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
48 | Journal of Zoology |
49 | Mammal Review |
50 | Molecular Ecology |
51 | Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations |
52 | Photochemistry and Photobiology |
53 | Physiological Entomology |
54 | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society |
55 | Studies In Applied Mathematics |
56 | Surface and Interface Analysis |
57 | Synapse |
58 | The Journal of Comparative Neurology |
59 | ZAMM – Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
60 | Zoo Biology |