Royal Society of Chemistry
Open Access Ebooks
Royal Society of Chemistry
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Sl No | Book Title | Publisher |
1 | A collection of problems on the equations of mathematical physics / Edited by V.S. Vladimirov. | Springer |
2 | A garden of integrals / Frank Burk. | Mathematical Association of America |
3 | Advanced solid state physics, 2nd ed. Kindle ebook / Philip Phillips | Cambridge University Press |
4 | Advances in solid-state chemistry / Ed by C.N.R. Rao | Indian National Science Academy |
5 | Asymptotic approximations of integrals: Computer science and scientific computing / R. Wong. | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |
6 | Bibliography of infrared spectroscopy through 1960 part-1 to part-3 / by C.N.R. Rao, S.K. Dikshit, S. A. Kudchadker, D. S. Gupta, and V. A. Narayan | National Bureau of Standards Special Publication |
7 | Camels, tigers & unicorns : rethinking science & technology-enabled innovation / Uday Phadke and Shailendra Vyakarnam. | World Scientific |
8 | Chemical education in the seventies / Ed by A Kornhauesr, C.N.R. Rao and D J Waddington | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Committee on Teaching of Chemistry |
9 | Contributions to crystallography: Sivaraj Ramaseshan’s 60th birthday volume / Ed. by C.N.R. Rao | Indian Academy of Sciences |
10 | Crystal structure transformations in inorganic nitrites, nitrates, and carbonates / by C.N.R. Rao, B. Prakash and M. Natarajan | National Bureau of Standards |
11 | Elements and the periodic table / by C.N.R. Rao | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research |
12 | Energy materials / Ed. by M. Eswaramoorthy, Subi Jacob George, A. Sundaresan and C.N.R. Rao | World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. |
13 | Generalized functions / I.M. Gel’fand, G.E. Shilov ; translated by Eugene Saletan. volume 1. Properties and operations | American Mathematical Society |
14 | Generalized functions / I.M. Gel’fand, G.E. Shilov ; translated by Eugene Saletan. volume 2. Spaces of fundamental and generalized functions | American Mathematical Society |
15 | Generalized functions : I.M. Gel’fand, G.E. Shilov ; translated by Eugene Saletan. Volume 3: Theory of Differential Equations | American Mathematical Society |
16 | Genetic basis of sleep and sleep disorders / Edited by Paul Shaw; Mehdi Tafti and Michael J. Thorpy | Cambridge University Press |
17 | Group invariance in engineering boundary value problems / R. Seshadri and T.Y. Na. | Springer |
18 | Inside interesting integrals / Paul J. Nahin. | Springer |
19 | International table for crystallography / C.P. BrockTh., Hahn H. and Wondratschek U. et al. | John Wiley & Sons |
20 | Learning science part 2: The world of physics and energy learning physical principles / Indumathi Rao & CNR Rao | National Book Trust |
21 | Learning science part 3: The world of chemistry: Of molecules and materials, air around us, all about water / Indumati Rao and CNR Rao | National Book Trust |
22 | Learning science part 4: biology and life / Indumati Rao and CNR Rao | National Book Trust |
23 | Mitotic spindle: methods and protocols / Edited by Paul Chang and Ryoma Ohi | Springer |
24 | Modern aspects of solid-state chemistry / edited by C.N.R. Rao | Springer |
25 | Partial differential equations : theory and technique / George F. Carrier and Carl E. Pearson. | Academic Press |
26 | Proceedings of golden jubilee symposium on: Physics and chemistry of surfaces / edited by C N R Rao and J K Joshi | Indian National Science Academy |
27 | Similarity and dimensional methods in mechanics / L.I. Sedov. | Academic Press |
28 | Transition metal oxides : crystal chemistry, phase transition, and related aspects / C.N.R. Rao and G.V Subba Rao | National Bureau of Standards |
29 | Ultra-violet and visible spectroscopy: chemical applications / C.N.R. Rao | Butterworth & Co. Ltd. |
Open Access Ebooks